4. Data Sources
This study utilized a panel data set of 75 aid recipient countries for the period 1995-2009. The data on GINI
coefficient is sourced from the online database of Standardized World Income Inequality Database (SWIID),
Version 3.1 (Solt, 2011). SWIID interpolates the missing data that is available from the World Income Inequality
Database (WIID). The sectoral aid data was collected from OECD in Development Assistance Committee (DAC)
and Credit Reporting System (CRS). The data covered both bilateral and multilateral donors. The sectoral ODA
data was listed in terms of commitments starting 1995-2009 and the disbursements of sectoral ODA available
starting 2002 until 2009. We calculated the sectoral disbursement for the period 1995-2001 data base on the
commitments data using Clement et al (2004) approach. In this approach, we assume that the fraction of
disbursements in each of aid category in given period is equal to the fraction of commitments in each category in
that period. The real GDP, employment rate, trade opennes and inflation rate were derived from the World
Development Indicator online database.