Our heroes have been abandoned in the wild! Garfield hasn't got the faintest idea where they are, so he first suggests they wait for Jon to realize he is heading home with three raccoons and drive direct back. However, as the night is falling, he decides they'd better get back in touch with their wild-self and find food... That's when they meet Honey Bear on his way to grab a bite. What if they got some honey from the beehive, too? Help!!! The bees are coming back and start attacking our starving friends! A good thing they eventually prefer to focus on a bigger target: Honey Bear! While they're enjoying the honey, two beavers appear and believe it or not, Garfield actually shares his food with them!
TV, plenty of food in the fridge...Life is so sweet for the three raccoons! As for Garfield, Nermal and Odie, they just wish they were home sweet home!