, extraction of chitosan from AIF under reflux (10% v/v acetic acid 40:1 v/w, 60ºC, 6h), separation of crude chitin by centrifugation (4000rpm, 15min) and precipitation of chitosan from the extract at pH=9, adjusted with a 4M NaOH solution. Crude chitin and chitosan were washed on a coarse sinteredglass funnel with distilled water, ethanol and acetone and air-dried at 20ºC (Synowiecki, 1997). Moisture content Crude chitin sample was placed in a pre-weighted aluminum dish. The dish and contents were then placed in an oven at 105ºC for 24h. The aluminum dish along with the dried sample was first placed in a desicator to cool down and then weighted. The moisture content was determined as follows (Mahmoud, 2007):