My work experience in the Institute of Behavioural Sciences of Pecs University introduced me to academic research in Psychology, and gave me the chance to work with some of the university's leading researchers. I also participated in tolerance training in the Institute of Social Sciences, which showed me how we are all influenced by stereotypes and perceptions. I also met social workers who shared their personal experiences in the field, which I found fascinating and I have developed a great respect for them and the work they do. During another placement I was an assistant at a camp for disadvantaged children. I loved spending time with them and had the privilege to befriend autistic children. It was an enriching experience for me to be accepted into their world and I am amazed by how loving these handicapped children can be.
I am keen to satisfy my curiosity and to extend my knowledge through studying behaviour and the human mind at the University. I look forward very much to studying in the UK and later to pursue my studies to postgraduate level.