Become the Chief Marketing Agent promoting the value of learning
In speeches, reports, meetings and public appearances, CEOs signal their beliefs about the importance of continuous learning to the organization. Perhaps the most vocal spokesperson for learning is Jack Welch, CEO of General Electric. Welch reinforces his commitment to training by constantly promoting the sharing of best practices through workouts or knowledge sharing at Crotonville, General Electric Management Development Institute. Whenever Welch hears from a divisional President about a successful project, he asks, "What have you done to share your success and learning with other divisions?" In this way he not only signals his interest in learning but he also sets expectations of collective learning and transfer of best practices within he organization.
Spend quality on how an investment in education will achieve business goals.
CEOs are busy people with many demands on their time, but "Learning CEOs" involve themselves in the education and development area. They spend quality time engaged in thinking and sometimes even writing about how an investment in education will impact their company and their entire industry. This has certainly been the case for Jack Welch