lectric system safety: Protection against electric shocks
Voltage levels on board electric vehicles
Typical voltage levels on electric vehicles are as follows:
• 48-120 V for cars and small vans
• 96-240 V for large vans
• 300-600 V for buses
For AC drives, which are gaining an increasing popularity, higher voltage levels are
used; 200 V or more may be encountered even on small vehicles.
These voltage levels are to be compared with the safety voltage levels: in a typical
electric vehicle environment, characterised by a low skin resistance (wet skin likely)
(BB2) and a contact with conductive bodies (BC3), the security extra low voltage
level is 25 V for AC and 60 V for DC.
The voltages used on electric vehicles are thus potentially dangerous and measures
should be taken to prevent electrocution through direct or indirect contact.
Protection against direct contact
Live parts of the electric traction system should be protected against direct contact by
persons in or outside the vehicle, through insulation or inaccessible position.
Insulation such as varnish, enamel, coatings,… are not considered to be insulation as
required for protection against direct contact.
Removal of protective devices and opening of doors, lids, and bonnets permitting
access to live electrical equipment shall only be possible with tools or keys..
The conventional protection degrees (IPXXB or IPXXD) should be enforced:Protection against indirect contact
The problem of indirect contacts is closely related to the problem of frame faults.
Any spurious connection between the traction circuit and the vehicle frame is
regarded as a fault. Frame faults can lead to several hazards:
• short circuits
• electrocution
• uncontrolled operation
Following measures should be taken to avoid these hazards:
• a fuse shall be built inside the battery pack, preferably in the electrical centre of
the battery
• the vehicle frame shall be isolated from the traction circuit and shall not form
any part of the power electrical circuit
• all conductive parts of the vehicle, particularly accessible parts or parts adjacent
to electrical equipment shall be connected with an equipotential connection.
• frame fault leakage detection shall be included in routine maintenance;
permanent frame fault monitoring is mandatory for certain vehicles.
Functional system safety
The electric vehicle traction system must ensure a reliable and safe operation of the
The topology of the traction system in an electric vehicle is fundamentally different
from IC-engined vehicles and specific measures should be taken to avoid or prevent
unsafe operations.
System activation warning
An electric vehicle standing still is in most cases completely silent. To prevent
movement through unintentional actuating of the traction circuit, a warning device
shall be present.
Power on procedure
To avoid possible damage through excessive torque, overcurrent or fierce
accelerations, the power on procedure must be adequately organised: it shall be
impossible to activate the controller with the accelerator depressed. Any
unintentional movement of the vehicle during start-up shall be avoided.
Driving backwards - Prevention of fierce reverse braking
The change of driving direction in an electric vehicle can be done mechanically or
electricallyIn the latter case, the actuation of the reversing shall be obtained by two different;
consecutive movements or an electrical safety device which only allows reverse to
be engaged when the vehicle speed is lower than 1 m/s, in which case actuation of
the control unit shall be indicated obviously.
Emergency disconnect device
This problem is approached in a different way by car manufacturers and electricians:
• vehicle manufacturers do not consider emergency switches as a necessity and
want to avoid them (they are in fact not present on thermal vehicles)
• electrical manufacturers consider emergency switches as essential (they are in fact
present on any industrial electric device)
Emergency switches come in different versions:
• battery connectors
• direct-acting emergency buttons
• indirect-acting emergency buttons
It is recommendable that the disconnect action is direct.
Furthermore, its operation shall not be detrimental to the controller.
Fail-safe operation- Power surge prevention
Unintentional acceleration due to failures in electronic traction controllers must be
prevented by the use of power surge control fail-safe circuitry. In particular, any
failure shall not cause more than 0,1 m movement of a standing, unbraked vehicle.
Fail-safe operation - Frame faults
Frame faults and stray currents can also cause uncontrolled oper