Hey guys it’s Layla and I am 13 years old. I was sitting in Zone TT, 3 rows up (not good seats.) Before the concert, my friend and I were joking about OLLG but I really didn’t believe it would happen. During Somebody To Love, I did all the dance moves, I was laughing and smiling and just having fun. I wasn’t on my phone at all. Sometime during the show, a lovely lady named Jenn walked up to me. When Jenn asked if I wanted to be the One Less Lonely Girl, I don’t even remember replying. I think i was so shocked I didn’t even speak. She didn’t care and she grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the crowd. I remember watching Never Say Never in 2011, seeing all those very lucky OLLGs. Ever since then, I’ve wanted to be an OLLG – never ever ever thought my dream would come true. As I went backstage, I still was shocked. I couldn’t process what was happening. Everything was happening so fast. When Jenn finally got me backstage, she apologized that I had to miss Beauty And A Beat. I was like please don’t apologize. I thanked her multiple times and gave her a hug. I watched Justin performing the first bit of OLLG and I was dying inside. Everyone was telling me that I was the one. It really was amazing. I met Alfredo! Jenn asked me if I knew who he was and I was like, you mean Alfredo Flores, Justin’s best friend?! She just pointed straight and there he was. He gave me a high five and told me I was the one. Then he was like we have the same hat, swag! And I was like ahhahahs swaagg! I also met Justin’s grandpa before the concert. He was standing right in the entrance, no one noticed him though!
I don’t remember seeing the audience. I don’t remember hearing anything but his voice. My knees were shaking. I couldn’t even cry. Tears weren’t coming out. I only saw his big brown eyes and I just was overwhelmed. I kept telling myself how lucky I was. It was the best night of my life! I would not change a thing about it. When it was over, he had to change for his next song. I remember him saying thank you but he ran off before I could say anything else. On my way back to my seat, people were looking at me, though no one actually said anything. After the concert I stayed an extra 3 hours taking pictures with people. I was so happy to hear everyone congratulating and telling me how lucky I was. I felt like the happiest luckiest girl in the world. The best advice I can give you is just to be yourself, smile, dance, and have the time of your life! Try and stand out from the normal! Have fun, beliebers.