I think number one has to be the relationship I
between me and the sins haunt us on a good day it's just like hanging out with
twelve months or distress
are also the fact that I can speak normally like I am
within an hour like I speak with and you're my other friends and they
a lot glad and outgoing
the new year and then tomorrow we want more more on autos more
morrow we've got some more hmmm now
yes exactly that exactly what is a mountain of garbage
what do we do with it if you have a big pile up there is already one polluted
yeah pacing the vote the Rose Bowl who
good yeah anything I miss my
what happens you go here
so this is called a solid presence was this huge huge huge problem which is why
bad the 3i how the three r's her all
on you my
from all our alerts me well I'm I
so I so yeah all most
I the
going I'm calling you
I point yes that's right call
I think the main thing that distinguishes the tree Houston as
account that surfing our confidence I
is encouragement think and more you can encourage somebody
more confident than can become I say can take any information so that I'm
be spoon-fed and able to adapt that themselves internally and I quickly by
home I think any children FL out to be will be creative
so just let them I I'm
give them as many opportunities to show their particular creativity
I haha hey I'm hell
know why
my follow me
yeah good me he upkeep of kill calf on dad came down
our friends dad him I
yeah three thank you I don't know
on that note I'm not staring with the
storybook for dramatic play thats all there creativity right
they have the lines they have the pictures in the book s
sorta prod but still I mean where they went with that
I mean I was stand me I'm how they were able to express
something that was me imagino I'm and then in the
and the writing activity when we hit with a setup talking about how to
how we can take different materials to make the treehouse
I think that's probably a couple because anything goes
I and it was totally from them
working with ideas what I do you make
previously lot what before
and nails very not that hard to point word
you an email what else do we need yeah
latter yeah of the
guy you know I don't hey say for example of
weekend before although what up
we had a corridor so what else can I use inside or
what up top tight black
pie black and pull output
idk I magnin got London
we did I cost I
crisis box yeah I
ni K hi Hawkwind
his firm I our room good idea
yeah Park close on yeah
her I left the hotel
a this %uh yeah
like that ever have plastic on father's okay
was yeah for a higher
Meenakshi have tell me kill
kill you don't have funding by even
K paid a lot to me like something to me that we have
ito Lonely Island to you
I Yahoo what looms
this like
probably all of her life court
once in a while project any style called
use what have you
loose long are turning around
yeah by on