talking Sally about impressions She smiled a lot. She has a lovely smile and amazing green eyes. I think she was a bit nervous. I loved her red dress it was very red indeed did you talk about? Everything travel, we both want to Chile; cooking, love it, Sally ita hate it, Sally loves it, but I am training to run the marathon for charity, the theatre, I have a small part in a small at the moment. Any difficult moments? Not really. Oh yes, I could see that the waiter knew it was a blind date. That was embarrassing. Good table manners? Very good. I like a girl who enjoys her food and she could use chopsticks. I was impressed with that. Best thing about her? The green eyes! And she was really easy to talk to. She was interested and interesting. She didn't just talk about sport. Did you go on somewhere? Well, we didn't go far We found a piano they are all over the city at the moment with signs saying "Please play me I played, but I'm not very good. Sally sang, she can't sing at all. We made a terrible noise! It was good fun. Then she caught the bus home. Marks out of 107 e can't sing, but I like her 9 Would you like to meet again? Definitely. She left very hurriedly, but she has my number