2.5. Doseassessment
The annual effective doses for ingestion and inhalation were estimated according to parameters in traduced by a UNSCEAR report (UNSCEAR, 2006). The annual effective dose as a result of the intake of radon or radium, Ew (Sv y 1) is calculated on the basis of the mean activity concentration using Eq. (3):
Ew Vw C 3 w = ε × × ( )
where, ε (Sv Bq 1) is the ingesting dose conversion factor of radon or radium(10 8 Sv Bq 1 for radon and 2.8 10 7 Sv Bq 1 for radium), Vw is the water consumption rate (730Ly 1 was assumed for a ‘standard adult’ drinking the same water directly from
the source point and Cw (Bq l 1) is the radon or radium concentration in water.