Germination efficiency and antagonism against fungal plant pathogen was checked for lentil seeds in vivo according to Ra- myasinruthi et al. 2012 with some modification. Bacterial isolates were inoculated into NB medium and incubated for 3 days at 30 oC under shaking conditions. Fungal strains were inoculated into PDA lates and incubated at 28 C for 5 days. Upon growth of the cul- ures, three sets of bottles containing 20 g soil were inoculated as he following. One set containing water only, the second set con- taining the tested pathogenic fungus(4 x 10 CFU) and water and the third set containing the pathogenic fungus(4 x 10 CFU) and the antagonistic bacteria(1 x 10 CFU) and water. The above 3 sets of bottles were seeded with surface sterile lentil seeds. After 7-10 days, the seedlings were observed for antagonism against patho- genic tested fungus. Seedlings which showed no or very weak growth after 10 days were judged to be diseased.