Risk management has traditionally been an integral part of software development. The change
from traditional models, such as the waterfall model, to agile methods has created new
challenges in the field of risk management. This paper will discuss the issues regarding risk
management in agile software development.
In modern software projects, security and risk management are not just something one might
do if there are time and resources. Security has become an important part of the end product.
This means risk management must be introduced at the beginning of the project, and risks
must be evaluated and assessed during the whole development cycle. Agile software
development methods are focused around delivering the maximum benefit to a product
owner. Problems arise when the team is too focused on achieving their goals for the sprint,
leaving very little time for increasing security of the product.
By using the existing models and adding some new ideas, the purpose is to create a solution to
problems software developers are facing when trying to manage risks in agile environment.
Two companies were interviewed during making of this paper. They were asked questions
about their risk management practises and how were they coping in the agile environment