We have employed the recently
proposed Bin Monte Carlo scheme (Fan et al.2011) which is
advantageous for studying hysteresis, because it provides
better sampling than conventional Monte Carlo in dense
phases, such as those encountered in desorption from a filled
pore (Allen and Tildesley1987). The method has proved to
be superior to conventional MC in describing experimental
observations, such as the spike in the heat curve versus
loading for argon, nitrogen and methane adsorption on
graphite (Fan et al.2012). Bin-MC was previously used to
study adsorption in mesopores with a uniform cross section,
and it was found that the hysteresis loop is larger than that
obtained by conventional MC (Fan et al.2011), but this study
was restricted to one pore size. We consider here a series of
models in order to better understand cavitation induced
desorption and desorption controlled by pore-blocking. The
equilibrium phase transition in these pores has been determined using the Mid-Density scheme