Today the huge amount of information is available online due to the acceptance and understanding of the possibilities of internet This [11] reason makes the World Wide Web as an
important research area. Sarwar, et al., [10], has introduced
and analyzed effect of different similarity algorithms and
showed the experimental results through the prediction h
MAE graph and also proposed that size o neighborhood
effects prediction quality. Hongwu ye [7] proposed a method
for finding nearest neighbor through self organizing map
which makes a group of nearest neighbors which is first step
in collaborative filtering. Association mining is used to fill
vacant space .Thus they proposed combination of association
mining and SOM to address the issue of data sparsity.
Hengsong Tan,; [8] presented a new approach to address
the issue of data sparsity problem by combining item
classification and item based collaborative approach .This
approach classified the item through attributes and then
produces prediction for items whose ratings are not available.