1. IC's aware of couriers being terminated.
2. They do not agree with the termination process at the hubs as no one to one counselling or coaching done.
3. some terminations for absenteeism are as a result of contineous late work, then tired and end up on sick leave.
4. Other comments: 1. Some of the are not happy due to contineous late work, very often route adjustment within their zone due to absenteeism, & totally assigened to different zones very often is disruptive to productivity.
5. Management need to settle root cause and not use the terminate way as this is only making the problem worse as shortage of couriers means others have to work late as replacement takes a long time.
6. Hub Management - Daily briefing not motivating, no support for IC's having issues to customers when they call the hub IC's asked to settle it with customer especially for new IC's eg customer wants to open the package what to do. Goes back to onboarding briefing. IC not treated fairly and as businessman, more like slaves to do delivery. When volumes low, IC's just told to go back, no work today.
Below feedback from Hub Supervisor (Witsanukorn) from our discussion with him:
1. How do you handle absenteeism?
Briefing in the morning to the group and who absent.
One to one briefing to concerned courier on why absent, reasons & identify root cause.
2. Asked to show me the coaching forms but no Coaching forms seen on absenteeism except four from March 2016.
3. What do you do with Frequest absent couriers? Warning letter x 3 times before termination using "Infringent of Service Agreement" form.
4. Asked to show the Warning letters on these forms but not available / done. The one termination seen on this forms was on 7/6/16.
5. He then showed me termination letter for Aug - 6 letters and Sept - 1 letter on his PC. Not signed. He said hardcopy with HR.
Recommendation / Conclusion:
1. There some difference in process as being mentioned by the IC vs the Hub Supervisor.
2. Coaching / Counselling is lacking here and signed copy records Must be kept at the Hub. There must be proper one to one coaching & counselling done. If this is not done properly, the intended benefits may not be seen.
3. Replacements should be in before a sacking is done. If proper counseliing & warnings are done, the signs will be there and you should hire ahead of sacking.
4. Motivation is key here - Pls discuss internally what you are going to do to drive this in Bangkapi. Its clear its low here when you observe and talk to the guys.
5. Better Incentives - Its already on the way with 1st Oct implemantation. Pls ensure the message goes out to all a week ahead.
5. Attendance Rewards & Awards - Pls look at this and look at feasibility. If rewards are not considered, Awards will be a good thing to do.
6. Re-look Hub On Boarding process, there are gaps here for sure.
7. Riders & Drivers need to respected. No questions about this. They are entrepreneurs and should be treated as such.
8. Hub Management need to improve as per above comments.
We need to put some secific focus on Bangkapi, being the Hub with the current absenteeism issue.
Can the TH team provide updates / improvements to all the points above by next week 28/9 and then we take it from there.
We dont need a debate, we need solutions & actions.