4. Conclusions
The type of alcoholic beverage ingested had an effect on the plasma alcohol concentration in both men and women after the acute consumption of alcohol. Gender affected the results obtained for the different beverages. Beer caused the lowest BAL values in both genders. In men, the fermented beverages promoted lower
BAL values than the distilled beverages, whereas in women, similar results were obtained after the ingestion of either wine or whisky.The magnitude of the results for each of the beverages was similar in men and in women. However, wine produced a higher BAL in women than in men.
The composition of the alcoholic beverage affected the plasma
insulin and glucose levels of the volunteers, with the highest results being obtained for beer. The plasma glucose concentration was affected by the habitual ingestion of alcohol and by BMI in both genders. The plasma insulin concentration was also affected
by BMI in both genders. The FIRI values were not influenced by gender or by the habitual consumption of alcohol, but they increased with increasing BMI.