2. Research questions
In the context of the implementation phase in QUEST and looking forward to the institutionalization phase the
research questions are:
x What are the participating teachers’ perceived outcomes from QUEST, and how do they reflect on new initiatives
at their schools?
x What factors can be seen as supporting sustainable development pertaining to local science teachers developing a
shared focus on student learning in science, and perceived individual and collective efficacy for continuingly
developing science teaching locally?
3. Methodology
The overall research design is mixed methods (Creswell & Clark, 2007). Both quantitative and qualitative data
were retrieved during and after each course-module in phase 1. One part of data was a repeated questionnaire with 5
point Likert-scale questions and open-ended categories focused on teachers’ experiences from the seminars, from
trials in own classrooms, and from collaborative inquiries. This was supplemented with qualitative data from
observations at QUEST-seminars and from case studies at the local schools. The qualitative data included caseprotocols
for all schools, and in depth studies at nine schools (diversity sampling: school size, town/rural etc.) with
repeated classroom observations, interviews and observation from PLC-meetings.