The world is constantly changing. Customers are more knowledgeable and demanding;
therefore, quality and speed of delivery are now critical needs. Companies must constantly
improve their ability to produce quality products adding value to their customer base.
Defining and continuously improving work processes allows the pace of change to be
maintained without negatively impacting the quality of products and services. This category
addresses process management concepts, including the definition of a process, the workbench
concept and components of a process which includes a policy, standards, procedures (i.e., do
and check procedures), and guidelines. It lays the groundwork for this by examining the role
and contribution of various national and international quality standards. Additionally, it will
address the understanding of definitions and continuous improvement of a process through the
process management Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle and an understanding of the
importance of entrance and exit criteria at each stage of the PDCA.