Finishing Rooms
Odor measurements for the finishing rooms were taken in
the early afternoon between 14:00 and 16:00 h. The age of the pigs in the different finishing rooms at different times of the
year were also often different, which resulted in different
temperature requirements. The room temperature varied between
15.0°C and 32.1°C, while the ambient temperature
ranged from −19.8°C to 30.3°C. Odor concentration was
high in winter and low in summer (fig. 4a), as was CO2 concentration.
Odor concentration ranged from 446 to
7,797 OU/m3, while CO2 concentration varied between 475
and 3,856 ppm. The ventilation rate of the rooms ranged from
6.5 m3/s in winter to 46.6 m3/s in the warm season. As shown
in figure 4b, odor emission rates had the lowest value
(11.7 OU m−2 s−1) in November, peaked at 137.7 OU m−2 s−1
in June, and showed no obvious seasonal variation pattern.
The results in table 2 indicate that the odor concentration of
room FN3 was significantly lower than that of the other two
rooms (P < 0.05), but no significant difference was found for
the odor emission rates of the three rooms (P > 0.05) due to
the large variation in the data. The results in table 3 also indicate
that odor concentrations and emission rates of the finishing
rooms varied significantly throughout the year (P < 0.05).