Visitors from Munich and guests from all over the world have celebrated the first weekend of the 182nd Oktoberfest and made the start into this year’s Wiesn a pleasant one for the tent proprietors and carnies. Mayor and Oktoberfest boss Josef Schmid said: “I hope the Oktoberfest stays as harmonic as it started. If it does, it is sure to be the greatest fair in the whole world.”
As the number of vegetarians at the Oktoberfest has significantly increased, only 10 instead of 12 oxen were eaten. Instead, the demand for vegetarian dishes, especially spinach-pretzel-dumplings, has gone up. The request for beer, however, is as big as ever: Just like last year, about one million liters were sold on the first weekend.
Among the souvenirs, the official mug with this year's poster design is one of the most popular articles.