In that Lao Buddhist monks provided support for militant Lao insurgents, it
should come as little surprise that Lao monks also became victims of violence.
The first Lao monk known to be shot due to insurgent connections was Achan
Ky, who was hit once in his armpit in 1990 when he was sitting at Wat Pa Sanamsai
with a visiting Lao insurgent. It is unclear who the main target was, but the
insurgent, Phim, was killed by the hail of bullets from the automatic or semiautomatic
pistol directed at them. Achan Ky, after being shot once, fled his assailant
and entered his monastic living quarters (kouti in Lao), where he locked the
LAO BUDDHIST MONK CASUALTIESIn that Lao Buddhist monks provided support for militant Lao insurgents, itshould come as little surprise that Lao monks also became victims of violence.The first Lao monk known to be shot due to insurgent connections was AchanKy, who was hit once in his armpit in 1990 when he was sitting at Wat Pa Sanamsaiwith a visiting Lao insurgent. It is unclear who the main target was, but theinsurgent, Phim, was killed by the hail of bullets from the automatic or semiautomaticpistol directed at them. Achan Ky, after being shot once, fled his assailantand entered his monastic living quarters (kouti in Lao), where he locked thedoor.
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