2.4. Nutrients bioaccumulation capacity
The seaweed samples were washed with deionized water, dried
at 60 C for 72 h, and then crashed and homogenized to fine powder
for biochemical and nutritional composition measurements.
The tissue C and N contents of the seaweed samples were determined
using an Elementar vario EL CHNS analyzer (Elementar, Germany).
Total P content was determined following the method
described by Zhou et al. (2006).
Nutrient bioaccumulation capacity (BC, per thallus per day) was
calculated based on the nutrient accumulation capacity of per thallus
per day during the study period:
BC ¼ ðWtCt W0C0Þ=t ð3Þ
whereWt is the final mean dry weight (g),W0 is the initial mean dry
weight (g), Ct is the final mean nutrient content (% or mg g1), C0 is
the initial mean nutrient content (% or mg g1), and t is the culture
period duration (d)