Parents often complain that they always have to tell their teenage children to do their chores. Parents think their kids are irresponsible.On the other hand,teens feel their parents are always nagging and complaining.A major problem is that parents think that teens need to do the chores on their schedule, while the teens think,"Why do I have to do it now, when I can do it later?"This usually leads to unnecessary conflict between teens and their parents. The general questions parents usually ask about chores are the following:Should teens have them? Should teens and parents agree on a list of chores together? Should teens have freedom to decide when to do them? Should teens be paid for doing the chores? One mother says,"I don't get paid for doing housework.Why do I have to pay my daughter for doing chores?" Another parent pays his son for doing the housework and odd jobs around the house. He says,"No chores, no money. It makes teens responsible for earning their money, rather than having it simply given to them, as an allowance." Some teenagers complain,"My friends don't have to do chores, so why should I? Normally parents expect their teenage sons and daughters to help around the house. But parents and teens have to agree on the kind of chores and when the teens have to do them. One mom's son wants to do his chores after he does out with his friends,but then he's usually too tired. Another mother only lets her daughter go out after she finishes all the housework.But housework never ends! So what's the solution? Teens and parents have to reach a compromise. There has to be common sense on both side,don't you think?