This is one of the first extensive literature reviews of papers focusing on business and management in India. To our knowledge, the only one made so far is that of Lahiri (2011), which provides an overview of publications focusing on the Indian context that appeared in seven leading international business journals between 1991 and 2008. In our paper, we enlarged the review by including 11 leading business and management journals (not only with an international focus), covering the 1991-2010 period and analysing in-depth the main topics and findings. The review has also provided us with directions for future research efforts. In our opinion, a potential avenue of research would be to undertake an in-depth study of foreign companies in India, their influence on local companies, and how they can help Indian companies break into foreign markets. Another line of research would be to compare similarities and differences between India and China, as the two largest economic powers which are playing an increasingly important role in international economy and business.