17:33 ❥mooseka Tomorrow k.tu and k.golf will tell u na
17:36 K.Lam ok thanks
17:36 K.Lam but can you update the social media icons first
17:36 K.Lam thanks
17:37 K.Lam for the checkout screen i will send you feedback, i'm reviewing now
17:37 K.Lam can you help me do this? i want to just try and see if it looks better or not... if not better, i will use the same version
17:37 K.Lam Photos
17:38 K.Lam you see now it shows "Membership No." and then input box and APPLY button, "Promotion Code" and then input box and APPLY button
17:38 K.Lam can you do one version for me like this?
17:39 K.Lam Remove all of that, and put 2 lines:
17:39 K.Lam in black font, first line:
17:39 K.Lam "Are you a CHIC REPUBLIC member?"
17:39 K.Lam second line:
17:39 K.Lam "Do you have a promotion code?"
17:41 K.Lam these 2 are links, if customer clicks on it, the section will open. for example if customer rolls mouse on "Are you a CHIC REPUBLIC member?", the black text will change to Gold
17:47 K.Lam LIke this: do you get?
17:47 K.Lam Photos
17:49 K.Lam If customer not roll mouse over anything, then no show input box and APPLY button
17:49 K.Lam i want to compare 2 versions, see which one looks better
18:00 K.Lam Do 1 version: show only: "Are you a CHIC REPUBLIC member?" and "Do you have a promotion code?"
18:00 K.Lam Do another version: open both
18:00 K.Lam and do one version: open one, close one
18:00 K.Lam thank you!!