The nested-PCR was highly specific since it did not amplify the
intergene 16S-23S rRNA regions from other Gram-positive fish pathogens,
including S. iniae, L. garviae, and E. faecalis, or from Gramnegative
fish pathogen such as A. hydrophila. These results were
consistent with and extend the findings reported by Berridge et al.
(2001) as they did not find DNA amplification from DNA samples
obtained from pure S. iniae, Streptococcus porcinus, Streptococcus
uberis, Streptococcus dysgalactiae, or fromGram-negative pathogens
such as A. hydrophila, Aeromonas salmonicida or Edwarsiella tarda
bacterial cultures (Berridge et al., 2001). DNA sequencing of the amplified
nested-PCR products from 4 naturally-infected adult red tilapia
indicated no variability in sequence and confirmed the identity of
S. agalactiae.
The nested-PCR was highly specific since it did not amplify theintergene 16S-23S rRNA regions from other Gram-positive fish pathogens,including S. iniae, L. garviae, and E. faecalis, or from Gramnegativefish pathogen such as A. hydrophila. These results wereconsistent with and extend the findings reported by Berridge et al.(2001) as they did not find DNA amplification from DNA samplesobtained from pure S. iniae, Streptococcus porcinus, Streptococcusuberis, Streptococcus dysgalactiae, or fromGram-negative pathogenssuch as A. hydrophila, Aeromonas salmonicida or Edwarsiella tardabacterial cultures (Berridge et al., 2001). DNA sequencing of the amplifiednested-PCR products from 4 naturally-infected adult red tilapiaindicated no variability in sequence and confirmed the identity ofS. agalactiae.
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