Penetration depth is an important parameter for designing a
simulation process with an optimized computational time as discussed
by Liu et al. (2013). The penetration depths of Atlantic salmon
and water with 1 wt.% sodium chloride were calculated and
compared using Eq. (5). Although a change of penetration depth
of 0.2 cm could be found in Atlantic salmon and water with 1
wt.% sodium chloride over the temperature range of 20 C to
100 C as shown in Fig. 2, this change could be neglected during
the calculation as most common foods tend to have penetration
depths between 0.75 cm and 1.0 cm, which are much greater than
the amount of the changes . Thus, the electromagnetic
field analyses for both models A and B were recommended
to run only once instead of updating the heat generation at every
heating time step in order to obtain results with the optimal computational
time (.