Dear Ramsai.D
Refer to waste water data that my colleague sent you. We would like to ask you, can you design WWTP by follow these data
and submit us your proposal and quotation in this week?
Khun Athapol and Khun Narit plan to visit India during 25th-28th August 2014. Our target to bidding for WWTP on 27th Aug 3pm-6pm.
So firstly we would like to inform you and make appointment, Our plan for this project follow this schedule below;
26th, 9am :Discuss and recheck you proposal, if your proposal need to revise you have one day spare to revise all.
27th, :Bidding day
You must set your team who can handle, revise and calculate everything come to join this trip.
I am apologize for our urgent project and request you submit all data in few days, hope you understand and looking forward to hear feedback from you.
Thank you so much