As soon as she lifted the box up, the black glow spread out in shocking fashion. A painful radiance appeared which seemed capable of consuming and replacing all other light.
The Spider Branch Cultivators all suddenly produced black, pasty medicinal pills which they then consumed. After they did, their eyes suddenly turned completely black.
The Cultivators from the Five Tribes suddenly felt something pulling at them, causing them to involuntarily look over.
The instant that they did, their hearts all began to tremble.
The faces of the Tribe members within the shield flickered. They could feel nothing; only those outside the shield could sense the pulling power of the black glow. However, it was this very fact that made the Crow Gloom Priest’s face suddenly go pale white.
His voice hoarse, he said, “Exotic Heartdevil Flower!!”
Meng Hao’s pupils constricted. However, he was already on guard. A bloody glow surrounded him as he directly employed the Blood Death World to defend against the calling of the black glow.
It was at this point that Meng Hao’s face flickered. This was because it was at this very moment… that the Resurrection Lily chose to explode out with power.
Meng Hao instantly sent his will out to call all of his neo-demons. They immediately began to rush back toward him.