Thestudied localities included different lithologies: sedimentary rocks(Precambrian-Paleozoic, Cretaceous, Tertiary, Quaternary), andigneous and metamorphic rocks (Paleozoic-Mesozoic intrusives,Mesozoi-Cenozoic intrusives, Cretaceous-Tertiary volcanics). Fivemain freshwater habitat types were surveyed: streams, ditches,marshes, ponds and reservoirs. Batrachium communities werefound in 34 sites, ranging from 2 to 489 m a.s.l. (Table 1), whichcorrespond to less than one third of the visited localities. Seventeensites were sampled in the mediterranean area, ranging latitudinallyfrom Olmué (S 32◦59.640W 071◦09.196) to Hualpén (S 36◦47.327W 073◦08.867). Another seventeen sites were sampled in the tem-perate area, encompassing localities from Torres del Paine NationalPark (S 50◦52.696W 072◦43.868) to Fuerte Bulnes (S 53◦36.401W 070◦54.028).