You looked so pretty my dear. I wanted to be with you right then and there.
It made me like you more.
You mean how you looked in the live video?
It gets a lot colder, so if you come back with me, make sure you have clothes that will keep you warm.
Thank you my love. I will keep you warm also.
What was the dream about?
I mean what happened in the dream?
That's cool. She made an impression on you.
Do you write to me or does your aunt help you?
Its just you that writes to me?
Ok my dear. That's good. I understand. I can read and write Spanish better than I can speak it. So like you can read and write English, but difficult to speak, yes?
That's good. You will learn my dear. Practice as much as possible for when you come here.
She can speak English pretty good.
Hopefully you will be able to understand me. I will speak slowly for you if it helps to hear my words better. It helps for me when I am speaking Spanish with someone if they speak it slowly.
Sounds delicious my love. I will love to try it.
My friend he can't eat much. He is a vegan.
Ok my love. Sounds good. I have no restrictions.
For what purpose my dear?
Sounds great my dear. Thank you. Enjoy your evening and have a good night. I am off to work.
Good morning my dear. I hope you have a lovely day. Much love.
Oh he is lucky. He must love you.
I think of you all the time my love. I only want to be with you. My heart is yours.
Does it rain a lot there my dear?