The combination of stage analysis and coordination degree
measurement provides a scientific basis to treat the coastal areas
differently and distinguish the environmental policies needed for
different regions. The lower coordination index in more developed
regions like Shanghai in industrial wastewater pollutions
indicates that the call for the internal economic structure change
to maintain its current economic growth level while reduce its
environmental impacts. In terms of the municipal wastewater,
Shanghai should focus more on the renovation in its infrastructures.
The less developed areas like Hebei and Hainan have a “late-mover
advantage” by using advanced manufacturing and pollution control
technologies and receiving the benefits from the newly built urban
infrastructures. For the regions in the transitional stage with higher
coordination degrees (e.g., Shandong and Guangzhou), they should
stake take actions to improve their economic structure and municipal
infrastructures. In contract, the regions in the same stages with
lower coordination degrees (e.g., Zhejiang and Liaoning) should
invest more on technology improvement.