If you are conscious about gaining weight when coming to the States, here are six simple rules that will help you when you arrive.
1. Try to maintain good eating habits while in the States. While there are many fattening choices in the American pantry, we are also blessed with fruits and vegetables from around the world year round. Take advantage of this opportunity and make an effort to try some of them.
2. Eat similar to how you did in your home country. Most Americans eat 3 meals plus snacks throughout the day, but your body might not be used to this.
3. Limit fast food to once or twice a week and avoid late night drive through runs with your friends. These unused calories add up fast.
4. Remember that everything is supersized in the States so eat the portions you are used to or share that combo meal with a friend.
5. If you prefer certain foods that your host family does not buy, you should talk to them about how to manage this. Most host parents will add a few items to the shopping list for you, within reason. If you are requesting many or expensive items they don’t normally buy, you may be asked to pay an amount toward the cost of those items.
6. Exercise daily if possible. Going for a walk or run also gives you some alone time. If possible, joining a running group or a community sports team is a great way to meet new people. The more you exercise, the more energy you will have. You can also look for activities to enjoy with the host children to keep you all moving together.
There is nothing wrong with trying new foods and having a treat with friends. However, when this becomes the norm, you will notice the change. As with anything else, having a healthy lifestyle overall is the best way to ensure a healthy, fit au pair experience!