1. Introduction
The analysis of insulating oils provides lots of information
about the oil, and also enables the detection of other
possible problems, including contact arcing, aging insulating
paper and other latent faults. Thus it is an indispensable
part of a cost-efficient electrical maintenance
program [1].
By accurately monitoring the condition of the oil, sudden
faults can be discovered in a timely fashion and outages
can potentially be avoided. Furthermore, an efficient
approach to maintenance can be adopted and optimum
intervals determined for necessary replacement.
Similar to industrial oils, transformer oils are oxidized
under the influence of excessive temperature and oxygen,
particularly in the presence of small metal particles that
act as catalysts and which, result in an increase in the
(total) acid number, owing to the formation of carboxylic
1. IntroductionThe analysis of insulating oils provides lots of informationabout the oil, and also enables the detection of otherpossible problems, including contact arcing, aging insulatingpaper and other latent faults. Thus it is an indispensablepart of a cost-efficient electrical maintenanceprogram [1].By accurately monitoring the condition of the oil, suddenfaults can be discovered in a timely fashion and outagescan potentially be avoided. Furthermore, an efficientapproach to maintenance can be adopted and optimumintervals determined for necessary replacement.Similar to industrial oils, transformer oils are oxidizedunder the influence of excessive temperature and oxygen,particularly in the presence of small metal particles thatact as catalysts and which, result in an increase in the(total) acid number, owing to the formation of carboxylic
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