Fractional Reserve Banking is a fraudulent banking system in which banks operate with almost no deposits and pretend to have money which they never possessed and loan non-existent money they never ever had. Criminal banks operating under the fractional reserve system only need to keep 10% of the estimated maximum they seek to loan out in a box or folder entitled “reserve”, but the far larger 90% that they pretend they are loaning a person never even existed and won't. Usually, the "reserve" file or box has no money in it at all, but only a number representing non-existent dollars which the Federal Reserve claimed to have sent to the bank, but which is really just a number sent there to authorize the fraud.
Actually, it is even worse than this, because the fake 10% reserve is supposed to be a reserve for depositors and not loans, because loan withdrawals only cover the few days when the checks are balanced between two banks. Since American's save less than 1% of their earnings, the amount deposited in banks is miniscule in comparison to the amount given the bank by the Federal Reserve System which these banks privately own and operate in unison. So, the 10% reserve might be more like 1% reserve in some cases where there are very few depositors.
The Federal Reserve uses this Fractional Reserve Banking method, because it profits their member banks. It allows their member banks to swindle customers by creating loans for non-existent funds on a daily basis. These criminal banks are able to create fraudulent loans to customers with no money to back it up and to charge interest from the unwary customer on these non-existent funds which might as well be considered as a lame form of counterfeited vapor. This system is unethical and extremely profitable for these swindlers.
In reality, almost all loans from American banks are swindles, because these banks really have not given any money to the loan recipient despite the fact that the banks have claimed to have done so. Instead, the banks have simply written checks which have no real money behind them. When the check is cashed, the bank simply receives the check back from the cashing bank, makes a note of it so that it will not be allowed to be cashed again, but no money has changed hands. The cashing bank snaps a photo of the check and this is proof that the money has been transferred, when, in effect, no money at all was passed from the originating bank.
In fact, if you have a mortgage loan, you have already been swindled in this manner. There was no money that passed hands, only numbers that pass for money, and your bank is nearly as cash free as it gets.
If you didn't live in a crooked nation, you could get all of the money you have paid in interest back. But you can't, because America is a crooked nation controlled by banks tied to the criminal fractional reserve laws.
The fraud is extremely damaging, because it forces a person to borrow non-existent money and to reimburse the banks enough interest over 30 years to pay for 3 homes, 1 home for the mortgage holder and 2 additional homes for the dishonest bankers.
As Mayer Amschel Rothschild who believed in fractional reserve banking as a most profitable method of stealing said, "Give me control of a nations money, and I care not who makes it’s laws." He also said, "Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws."
This Rothschild statement is also a perfect description of the American banking system.
Banks have been stealing from innocent citizens for centuries, and their fraudulent loans are illegal according to the Rico Act. The best way to stop them is to shut these criminals down forever.