In fact, the best overall media, period, is television ( Barlow and Papaziou, 1980 ). It is the best way for achieving any of the communication objectives. It has also been shown in study after study that when television is compared with other mass media such as radio or magazines, messages delivered by television do a better job driving sales. There are several reasons for this. To begin with, television employees words and pictures, movement, and sounds. Radio offers words and sound, but no pictures or movement. Magazines offer words and pictures, but no movement or sound. Television offers high reach, and can combine it with high-effective frequency. This is very difficult for either radio or magazines. Newspapers generally have the same problems as magazines.
Does this mean one should always consider television when selecting media for advertising? The general answer is yes. However, for many reasons television may not be a viable choice. Nevertheless, when possible, television should be the medium of choice for mass advertising, except for high-involvement, informational strategies.