Thus, if you earned €20,000 in the previous 12 months, then the SJR would be €20,000/365 days = €55 per day.
You would then be entitled to either 40.4% SJR + €11.64 per day (July 2014-July 2015), or 57.4% SJR (57% SJR for those whose gross salary is above €2,042), whichever was produced the larger amount.
The minimum amount payable is €28.38 per day (July 2014-July 2015), and the maximum amount cannot be greater than 75% SJR. This minimum amount is reduced to €20.34 if you are on a traning course presecribed by Pôle emploi.
If the monthly salary was less than €1,090, then you are entitled to unemployment benefit equal to 75% of your previous gross salary.
Those who become unemployed as a result of redundancy are entitled to enhanced benefits, and there are also particular rules for seasonal workers and those in the entertainment industry.
In addition, an unemployed person who takes part-time work or a contract of short duration can continue to be entitled to receive some of their benefit.