Other common names: Large-flowered Trillium
Other scientific names: Trillium rhomboideum grandiflorum
French names: Trille grandiflore
Family: Bunch flower Family (Melanthiaceae), (Lily Family (Liliaceae), Trillium Family (Trilliaceae))
Group: Trilliums
Distinctive features: Large white three-petalled flower above a whorl of 3 leaves.
Similar species:
• Nodding Trillium (Trillium cernuum) - Flowers hanging down below the leaves.
• Painted Trillium (Trillium undulatum) - Center of flower is "painted" pink.
Flowers: Spring; White, Red/Pink; 3 parts (petals)
Leaves: Opposite/Whorled, Simple, Entire
Height: 20-50 cm (7-19 in)
Habitat: Forests
Grows in Sun/Shade: Shade
Lifespan: Perennial.
Books: Newcomb's Wildflower Guide: 124 Peterson's Field Guide to Wildflowers: 10, 240
Native/Non-native: Native
Status: Common in Ontario.
Notes: White Trillium is the provincial flower of Ontario. Unfortunately, in the latest vesion of the offical logo, the White Trillium looks like it has been run over by a truck! Contrary to popular belief it is not illegal to pick White Trilliums in Ontario. However, if the leaves as well as the flower are picked, the plant could die as it no longer has any means to produce the energy it needs to take it through the winter into another spring.
Origin and Meaning of Names:
Scientific Name: grandiflorum: large-flowered
Photographs: 645 photographs available, of which 12 are featured on this page. SCROLL DOWN FOR PHOTOGRAPHS.
Range Map is at the bottom of the page
of a spring ephemeral, a plant whose life-cycle is synchronised with that of the deciduous woodland which it favours.