We often hear stories of parents who push their
children too hard. However, some experts say that
for the most part, "pushy parent" is an unfair label:
Parents don't push prodigies, prodigies push
parents. Many gifted children quickly become _
bored with school and homework that is too easy.
For these kids, school is frustrating, and they risk
losing interest in it altogether. it's better to allow
these children to skip grades, experts say, than in
let them become disappointed in school.
Are prodigies born, or are they created? The short
answer is: we don't know. Certainly, many parents
of gifted children provide a stimulating environmm
They read to their children at an early age, take
them to museums and concerts, and give them ti
lot of independence. But experts advise parents
not to be disappointed if their child isn't an ear lv
genius. Mozart was a child prodigy; Einstein vv.t::
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