A man who has the ability to protect and reinforce security of Nine Provinces is also a hero.
A man whose aspiration goes far beyond Four Seas is also a hero.
A man who saves the common people from abyss and fire is also a hero.
A man who helps solve the common people's problems and uphold justice in his shoulders is also a
These are the definitions of a hero. Am I correct in saying that, Mr. Chen Duan?!”
“Un!” Liu Mang's definition of a hero really is lot. So, even for Chen Duan it was also impossible to escape the problems.
“Gongsun Zan! No, The White horse General! Mr. Chen Duan, do any of these definitions fit The White Horse General?!” Asked Liu Mang again. Chen Duan knew it was impossible to answer negatively.
“This subject that I speak of a lot of people may not understand, but I do not speak about it thoughtlessly. I do not speak about his battles with his fellow Hans, but I speak about those beyond Great Wall. Those invaders who were pushed back by General Gongsun Zan!” Said Liu Mang to those scholars.
This place is south of Huainan. Although this was a chaotic time, they did not feel the pain of those living in frontier, those who are living near the Great Wall. Those people must withstand famine and invasion from those beyond the Great Wall.
Invasion from the outsiders can only bring the Han people sadness, pain and endless death.
But Gongsun Zan's appearance actually gave those frontier people a glimmer of hope.
Gongsun Zan used his blood and iron, and with his cavalry trampled upon those outsiders as a warning to get out of the Central Plains.
Gongsun Zan was fond of white horses. Therefore when outsiders saw the Han army riding white horses, they withdrew immediately. This is the origin of his nickname The White Horse General.
“Defending one’s soil against outsiders, can that person not be called a hero?!” Asked Liu Mang toward Chen Duan in interrogative tone.
“Humph!” Chen Duan who could not refute Liu Mang just replied coldly “So, a dead person can also be called hero, huh?!”
“Yes, The White Horse General is dead physically, but he still lives on in the hearts of the frontier people, giving them hope. Even though this “Mr.” is still alive his feats cannot be compared to that dead man!”
Gongsun Zan has also doing some wrong things, but his presence made those outsiders liv in fear for dozens of years, giving hope to those living in the frontier. Those outsiders did not dare to take one step inside.