As with other lagoonal systems, the geomorphological characteristics
of the Lagoon of Lesina, understood as a filter (sensu Cloern,
2001), modulate the equilibrium between energy flows (solar
radiation, wind and tides); matter flows (rains, inputs from surface
and subterranean waters and runoff); and mechanisms that guide
processes inside the system itself (such as mineralisation of organic
matter, accumulation of autotrophic biomass and sedimentation/
resuspension rates, i.e., vertical flows). The combination of these
factors and the internal system processes that derive from them
determines space–time fluctuations in the hydrological heterogeneity
of lagoonal ecosystems
As with other lagoonal systems, the geomorphological characteristicsof the Lagoon of Lesina, understood as a filter (sensu Cloern,2001), modulate the equilibrium between energy flows (solarradiation, wind and tides); matter flows (rains, inputs from surfaceand subterranean waters and runoff); and mechanisms that guideprocesses inside the system itself (such as mineralisation of organicmatter, accumulation of autotrophic biomass and sedimentation/resuspension rates, i.e., vertical flows). The combination of thesefactors and the internal system processes that derive from themdetermines space–time fluctuations in the hydrological heterogeneityof lagoonal ecosystems
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