the door open. Miss Stapleton lay on the bed. Her hands and feet were tied together. There was a cloth tied across her mouth.
Sir Henry cut the rope around her hands. Holmes took the cloth from her mouth.
"Where is your brother, Miss Stapleton?" Sir Henry asked.
Miss Stapleton looked at the floor. 'Gone,' she said. "My husband has gone.'
"Your husband!' shouted Sir Henry. 'You are Mrs Stapleton?'
'Yes,I am his wife,' "But his name is not Stapleton." He is the son of your dead uncle, Roger Baskerville. He is your cousin.'
Out on the moor we heard a terrible cry. We ran outside. The mist was thick on the Great Grimpen Mire. The cry came again, and then a loud scream. Then silence.
'I believe that the Great Grimpen Mire has taken your cousin.' Holmes said to Sir Henry. He has fallen into the mire. We shall never find his body."