A friend and her husband were enjoying a romantic evening at an expensive restaurant when they saw an elderly lady. She was sitting all alone looking in their direction. They smiled back politely and the old lady went across to their table. I'm sorry to trouble you,She began,trying not to cry,but you look like my daughter. She was killed last year and I do miss her terribly. I wonder if you would do something very kind for me? The couple said yes. It would make me very happy if,just as I'm leaving,you would say,"Goodbye mum",and wave to me. Certainly,the couple replied. How could they refuse? A few minutes later the old lady stood up to leave so the couple waved and said 'goodbye' as 'mum' walked out. then the couple asked for their bill. But after checking and rechecking, they called the manager because they thought the total was wrong. This 25 is for your mother's meal. the manager told them.'Before she left she said that her daughter would pay'.