NOW when i got older i understand why my parents cared about me so much , NOW i can understand when im worry about someone how bad it is , NOW i know how the person u love and fucking care ab her/him get pissed off . NOW im fucking regret then why i didn't care about my parents requests , but for me is late already , i've fall in a shit , but i don't want u to fall in trouble like me , but as always u r showing ur middle finger to me ! No problem , i was like u b4 i get in to the shit , so headstrong , but now there is no way for me to be back anymore , u gonna be like this too ...... . i know u CAN'T understand that i have much more expereince than u ! I know u CAN'T understand how i want u , no problem , all these shits and over thinking cause is my fucking heart , i deserve them all , but it was my last time , I SWEAR i won't fall anymore . This fucking WORLD doesn't understand me ! Im stranger here ! Anyone except my Cigarette doesn't understand me ! I need to change my self ! I'd like to be like fucking u , kick and fucking hurt who loves me , i can do it but just when im HIGH , coz i don't feel anything , i feel im alone since when i born , heh i WISH i had someone to talk , i WISH at least i had someone who loves me in my life , i wish i could tell someone about my life but i CAN'T , somethings gonna go to Grave with me until when i dead