Table 3 summarises the technological sophistication of the aligned and not-aligned groups by showing the percentage of each group that reported using each of the nine specific technologies. The number of technologies used in each firm were totalled, and then averaged over each group so that an independent-sample t-test could be performed on the difference of means. This was found to be not significant, as shown in the final column. The results imply that the two alignment groups do not differ in terms of the number of technologies adopted. The specific technologies were then each tested using a simple Chi-square test on the frequencies of use reported for that specific technology. Only one technology, external network, differs significantly at the 95% level. The results show that the firms in the aligned group have more access (63%) to external networks than firms in the not-aligned group (51%). The result suggests that use of the Internet may help the firms gathered more external information and thus contribute to the AIS alignment process.