TABLE 1. The whole body weight of chickens in the intact control, sham operation, 50% (50JR), or 80%
(80JR) jejunal resection groups (mean 6 SE, N 5 6)
Postoperation days (kg/bird)
0 30 33 36 39
Intact control 1.72 0.066 1.84 0.092 1.83 0.095 1.83 0.096 1.86 0.101
Sham operation 1.74 0.055 1.81 0.073 1.80 0.081 1.80 0.071 1.82 0.076
50JR 1.74 0.032 1.71 0.036 1.70 0.043 1.69 0.061 1.70 0.075
80JR 1.72 0.054 1.67 0.052 1.72 0.061 1.71 0.055 1.71 0.037