sent. Active listening requires concentration and listening with intensity, listening
with empathy, listening with acceptance, and taking responsibility for
the message.
* The purpose of positive feedback is to boost morale as well as to reinforce positive
actions or behavior. The purpose of negative feedback is to change behavior.
* When providing either positive or negative feedback, managers should be specific
and should focus on the behavior and not on the employee personally.
They should also be sure that the feedback is timely, and they should keep
the end goal in mind.
Communication process The method by which information is delivered from
a sender to a receiver.
Communication systems Provides formal and informal methods for moving
information throughout an organization.
Management-by-walking-around (MBWA) Managers exhibit this method of
management when they leave their offices and engage employees one-onone
at their workstations.
Informal communication methods May be written or verbal; examples include
open door policies, the employee grapevine, and MBWA.
Employee grapevine Informal communication that arises spontaneously from
the social interaction of people in the organization.
Formal communication methods May be written or verbal; examples include