nursing practice would lead to progression to higher paid
industrial award titles. These roles are not regulated, protected
titles in Australia but are included in State and
Territory industrial awards. A registered nurse who possesses
advanced nursing practice attributes is commonly
employed in the CNS role. This role is defined within various
State or Territory based enterprise bargaining (industrial)
agreements as being a registered nurse who has
“an advanced or high level of skill and knowledge in
relation to the registered nursing care in complex situations
to specific population of patients they service,
who acts as a leader clinical practice through active mentoring
of other staff members as well as ensuring highquality
and evidence-based care though their involvement
development or review in clinical nursing standards”
(Government of Western Australia, 2007, 2011;
New South Wales Government, 2011; Queensland Government,
2008; South Australian Government, 2010;
Victorian State Government, 2007)