UNDP’s Involvement
Stefan Priesener, Country Director of UNDP Bangladesh, in the course of assessing the seventh year (2010) of “successful implementation” of the organisation’s project in CHT, the Promotion of Development and Confidence Building in the Chittagong Hill Tracts Development Facility (CHTDF), outlines its prime strategy: “…to ensure access to basic services for the CHT people through developing capacity and building confidence of the CHT institution in the national, regional and local levels. In the relation to this purpose, intervention areas continue to focus on community empowerment, economic and agricultural development, and service delivery in education and health. This is implemented through UNDP’s unique multi-sectoral area-based development approach and strengthening the local government institutions in the CHT, which have proven to be able to deliver services in an efficient way, In addition, gender equality concerns are part of all intervention” He give an optimistic viewpoint by claiming that UNDP is marking “important contribution” toward improving the CHT population’s socio-economic conditions and to a successful peace-building process. Priesner is also prudent in mentioning that CHTDF has to be considered a part of the Bangladesh government’s wide-ranging endeavours to implement the Peace accord accord and to brink about human development in the region