1. foot bracelet 2. the support shaft, 3. wear clothing in the garment, or garments called literature 4. hanging or chiarabat or khraeng man.
5. in the literature called celebration elements 6. tie strap saeo or hanging elements, transactions, or the page of 7.8. Suwan krathop.
9. the belt or a neck or glove 10. filter the panneng in literature is called a filter, so 11. blind or tapthap in literature is called tab suang 12. inotrotnu 13. sangwarn 14.15. tapthit bracelet 16. Cha diamond flower (left), 17.
18. Jon ear. In the literature it is called kanchiak or local kanchiak. 19. perfect flowers (right) 20. Uba or a bunch of flowers (right).
21. the round ring ring 22.23. pawalam 24. literary panel called the thongkon bracelet.